2022 Workplace Violence Virtual Master Class: Addressing Violence and Handling the Aftermath
November 29, 2022 | 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST | Virtual
Day 1
November 29, 2022 | |
12:00PM – 12:05PM |
Speaker Introduction |
12:05PM – 1:05PM |
High-Impact Workplace Violence SimulationsTraining employees on how to respond in the event of a violent attack is important, but what’s really critical for HR and safety managers to be able to do is identify specific vulnerabilities to workplace violence and close the gaps to minimize the risk of injury or death if an attack occurs. While “run, hide, fight” training is still touted as a foundation for active shooter preparedness, it’s essential for organizations to pay close and continuous attention to three key additional elements when conducting active shooter or other workplace violence drills: safety, communication, and control. This session will teach you how to: • Develop policies and procedures to actually manage an event. |
1:05PM – 1:15PM |
1:15PM – 2:15PM |
Beyond the Active Shooter: Addressing Bullying, Sexual Harassment, and Domestic Violence in the WorkplaceEmployers have the opportunity to take a stand against violent behaviors and make the workplace a safe haven. The problem so far, however, is that employers have been talked into using compliance to solve a culture problem. For example, what we’re calling harassment prevention training is harassment corrective-action training. If it were preventive, it would include skills that prevent harassment, like standing up for your company core values. Alvarez will share tools to: • Describe organizational risk factors for bullying and sexual harassment so that you can work to correct them. |
2:15PM – 2:30PM |
2:30PM – 3:30PM |
Crisis Management Leadership: How to Handle the AftermathAlverez will wrap up this event by exploring the many aspects of identifying and addressing myriad issues relating to crisis management. With a focus on the role, expectations, and actions that leaders must implement to direct an organization through the many uncontrollable issues that are consistent in many crises, this session will provide real-world examples of missed opportunities that heightened the issues related to the original crisis and, in some cases, intensified the initial incident. While every crisis scenario is unique, there are many opportunities to take advantage of lessons learned and proactive, focused planning, and this session will show you how to: • Develop an understanding of the many components of crisis management, including the internal and external impact. |
3:30PM – 4:00PM |
Q&A SessionHave lingering questions about points raised during this highly instructive workshop, or want to revisit a fundamental concept or two from earlier in the day? Take advantage of this opportunity to get clarification from Alvarez before the workshop comes to an end. |