Provider Enrollment Boot Camp


Bootcamp Sessions

January 1, 1970
Introduction to Provider Enrollment

Join Terri Lynn Davis for a foundational session on provider enrollment, perfect for anyone new to the field or looking to brush up on the basics. Davis defines key industry terminology, outlines the purposes of various CMS enrollment forms, and explains in simple steps how to successfully enroll providers.

Exploring PECOS, Identity & Access, and Surrogacy

Join David Zetter for an introduction to the Provider Enrollment, Chain, and Ownership System (PECOS). Learn the key functions of the Identity & Access Management System (I&A), the National Plan & Provider Enumeration System (NPPES), and National Provider Identifiers (NPI).

Understanding the Relationship Between Credentialing and Provider Enrollment

Credentialing and provider enrollment have more in common than many realize, and in this session, Davis explains where these overlaps and shared skills exist. She also describes the primary functions of both departments, including primary source verification and the enrollment process.

Successfully Completing CMS Forms: 855A, 855B, and 855R

Receive comprehensive instruction on how to submit the CMS-855A and CMS-855B to enroll and revalidate suppliers and providers with Medicare and the CMS-855R to reassign practitioners’ Medicare benefits.

Successfully Completing CMS Forms: 855I and 855O

Receive comprehensive instruction on how to submit the CMS-855O to enroll ordering and certifying physicians and non-physician practitioners and the CMS-855I to enroll physicians and non-physician practitioners.

Successfully Completing CMS Forms: 855 S

Receive comprehensive instruction on how to submit the CMS-855S to enroll Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) Suppliers.

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