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Jonathan Sterling

Jonathan Sterling, Esq.

Shareholder, Carlton Fields

Jonathan C. Sterling, of Carlton Fields, defends employers against claims by current and former employees, including claims of wrongful discharge, unpaid wages, and harassment. He appreciates that employment disputes often feel personal, and his goal is to relieve employers of both the legal and the emotional burden they face. His clients include schools, colleges, businesses, municipalities, and other organizations, as well as individuals who have been sued in employment-related litigation.

In court nearly every week, Sterling defends employers in cases involving FLSA, FMLA, ERISA, freedom of expression, workers’ compensation retaliation, and common law claims. He has obtained numerous dismissals of lawsuits, as well as of administrative complaints filed with the Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities (CHRO). Sterling routinely defends employers in CHRO and EEOC investigations and has successfully litigated against the CHRO in Superior Court.

Sterling belongs to the Employers Counsel Network and is an editor and frequent contributor to the Connecticut Employment Law Letter and 50 Employment Laws in 50 States. He serves as a co-author of the ERISA Litigation Handbook.