Todd Sagin, MD, JD

National Medical Director, Sagin Healthcare Consultants, LLC

Dr. Todd Sagin is a physician executive recognized across the nation for his work with hospital boards, medical staffs, and physician organizations. He is the national medical director of Sagin Healthcare Consulting, LLC, which provides guidance on a wide range of healthcare issues. He is a frequent provider of boot camps and educational programs for medical staff leaders and physician executives. He served for more than half a decade as the vice president and national medical director of The Greeley Company. Sagin is a practicing family physician and geriatrician who has held executive positions in academic and community hospitals and in organized medicine. Sagin is often consulted to produce medical staff bylaws, redesign medical staffs, and unify staffs that are part of multihospital systems. He lectures and facilitates retreats on medical staff affairs, physician leadership skills, relationships between hospitals and doctors, strategic healthcare planning, governance, and related topics.